What were Galileo's contributions to astronomy?

3 Answers

Fisr to use telescope to observe astronomical,objects.


Found 4 moons of Jupiter Found the crescent shape of Venus..Observed the craters and hills of Moon.<his findings are proof for a Sun centered solar system. observed Sun spots.

Nov 23, 2017

Galileo was the father of modern astronomy.


Galileo refined the concept of a telescope and was able to make telescopes with more than 30x magnification. He used his telescope to make significant discoveries.

Perhaps the most significant discovery at the time was the four major moons of Jupiter, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. This completely went against Aristotle's principles that all heavenly bodies orbited the Earth.

He also discovered that the Milky Way was not a cloud, but was made of many stars.

He discovered the phases of Venus which proved that Venus doesn't orbit the Earth. He made observations of other planets and stars.

The Catholic Church put him on trial and convicted him of heresy for advocating a heliocentric model of the solar system. He was placed under house arrest and his publications were banned.

Galileo made major contribution to many branches of science and Albert Einstein called him the father of modern science.

Nov 24, 2017

He was also the first to consider time as an independent variable and to make observations under these conditions.


As such he provided an enormous boost to the scientific revolution (some would say he initiated it.) At the time the best clocks used either candles burning or sand falling to measure time, but we’re hopelessly imprecise for scientific observation.

Galileo discovered that pendula (pendulums?) were isochronous i.e. their period did not vary with amplitude and also used the mass of dripping water to study motion on inclined planes where things fall slower than they do vertically.

Finally, he discovered the principle of relativity, though not as formulated by Einstein in the 20th century!

A genius on many levels.