What were the key features of the religious landscape in the 16th century?

1 Answer
Aug 26, 2017

Reformation and Religious wars.


The Reformation was launched by Martin Luther based on the idea that only faith could enable a man to save his soul. He published 95 theses against the Catholic Church and was eventually excommunicated in 1520 by Pope Leo X with a Bull.

This movement inspired people all throughout Europe notably King of England Henry VIII and John Calvin who started their own movements in their respective countries. Reformation appealed to merchants and proved victorious in Northern Europe but failed in Southern Europe. A civil war started in Germany with peasants uprising and over 100,000 people were killed.

In France Protestants faced persecution and massacre( the Saint Bartholomy massacre in 1572 for instance) until the Edict of Nantes in 1598. The latter was eventually revoked in 1685 and led to massive migration of Huguenots to Switzerland, Germany, Britain and even America.

In England the Anglican Church was created by Henry VIII and can be described as being half-way between Catholicism and Protestantism. The king had become the head of the Church after the Act of Supremacy in 1534. Mary Tudor(1553-1558) tried to restore Catholicism but failed and he sister Elizabeth brought her via media which tolerated the Eurachrist for Catholics but included elements of Protestantism as well.