What would be the correct order of the punctuation marks for the following sentence?

Ronin sat down in EXT wondering; not for the first time, exactly why he had let Akando talk him into coming here.


Ronin sat down in EXT wondering, not for the first time; exactly why he had let Akando talk him into coming here.

1 Answer
Apr 12, 2016

"Ronin sat down in the EXT, wondering (not for the first time) exactly why he had left Akando talk him into coming here."


Or you could say: "Ronin sat down in the EXT, wondering -- not for the first time -- exactly why he had left Akando talk him into coming here."

Both of the examples you gave weren't really sound.
If you wanted to do it more your way, this is how it would go:

"Ronin sat down in the EXT wondering, not for the first time; why had he let Akando talk him into coming here?"

-- because those are both independent clauses and can be connected with a semicolon.

Hope this helped!