When did astronomy begin?

1 Answer
Feb 1, 2017

"Astronomy asks the basic, most fundamental questions of existence. The purpose of astronomy is to explain extraterrestrial phenomenon in rational, coherent manner." - James Schombert
Basically, Astronomy began with Astrology. Until about a couple centuries ago, they were both studied by the same people. Astrology is through the heavens so to speak, divining the future and interactions of individuals. Astronomy split from this to become a science like I said, centuries ago. I don't know what you mean by "begin" because that is a very grey line.

Astronomy never really had a founder. In ancient times, we have the Greek "masters", such as Aristotle, Ptolemy, etc. Yet, these men didn't found Astronomy. Neither did Galileo, Kepler, Brahe, or Copernicus. It was a so to speak "group effort".

So, when did Astronomy begin? When mankind first looked up to the heavens and asked questions of the stars.
Note: This was my answer to a similar question.