When we test for reducing sugar. What do we mean by the term "Reducing sugar" ???? Does it mean that if it contains sugar???

1 Answer
Feb 16, 2018

Please refer to the explanation below.


I'll split your questions in order from one to three.

#1.# We use Benedict's solution to test for reducing sugars. It changes colour in the presence of reducing sugars. The colour varies, as shown in this picture:


#2.# A reducing sugar just means that the sugar can act as a reducing agent. What that means is that the sugar can reduce other compounds by giving them electrons, and itself gets oxidized.

#3.# Yes, reducing sugars do in fact contain sugars, as they are sugars themselves! Some examples include glucose, fructose, and galactose.

Note that all the sugars mentioned are all monosaccharides, and the #3# sugars have the same formula of #C_6H_12O_6#.