Why are sedimentary rocks only found on or close to Earth's surface?

1 Answer
May 3, 2018

sedimentary rocks are formed by erosion that only occurs on the Earth's surface.


Erosion breaks existing rocks and turns them into sediments. The sediments can be formed into rocks by the chemical reactions of dissolved sea shells ( Calcium Carbonate.) This reaction can form sediments into rocks very quickly like the formation of concrete ( same chemical reaction) Erosion only happens on the earth's surface.

Ocean sediments when pushed and pulled down back into the mantle the sediments are melted and turned back into igneous and metamorphic rocks. When subjected to heat and pressure deeper in the earth sedimentary rocks are changed into igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Because erosion only happens on the earth's surface sedimentary rocks are only formed on the earth's surface. Sedimentary rocks will be changed into igneous and metamorphic rocks if the sedimentary rocks are buried deep below the earth's surface.