Why did having Chinese citizens pass a test in order to become government officials improve China's bureaucracy?

1 Answer
Apr 22, 2018

The Civil service exams ensured that somewhat qualified people ran the government.


The son of a prominent government official was not ensured a job because of his family connections. If the son of the politically powerful failed the exam the son could end up digging ditches and the family losing its wealth and position. This would bring dishonor to the family so the son was "encouraged" to study hard and do a good job of running the bureaucracy.

On the other had the son of a ditch digger if he was unusually gifted could pass the exam and contribute his skills and intelligence to running the bureaucracy to the benefit of the nation.

Feudal China allowed for movement between the classes. The Civil Service exam was the means for social movement. This motivated the upper class to do their best and the lower classes to strive for better.

The Civil service exam in China ensured that qualified people ran the bureaucracy,