Why did Zionism become even stronger after World War II?

1 Answer
Apr 14, 2017

It may not have been stronger but it achieved its goal of a Zionist state.


The Zionist movement had been founded towards the end of the 19th century by Chaim Weizmann and Theodore Herzl. Their aim was the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

During World War 1 the British in return for Jewish financing of the war promised a homeland for the Jews in the Balfour Declaration.

The British took over Palestine from the defeated Turks and ran it as a League of Nations Mandate.

In the inter war period tensions mounted as Jews fought Palestinians and both fought the occupying British. Events in Germany in the 30's heightened such tensions.

When World War 2 ended the UN took over, and given the Holocaust, there was greater momentum to create a Jewish state. On May 14th 1948 the state of Israel was established as the result of the partition of Palestine by the UN.