Why is astronomy important to our world today?

1 Answer
Oct 2, 2016

There are many reasons. Here are just a few off the top of my head...


Our existing knowledge of astronomy is essential for these reasons (and many more):

  • Navigation.

  • Chronology.

  • Predicting tides.

  • Weather prediction.

  • Communication (think satellites).

Our current and future pursuit of astronomy is important for these reasons (and many more):

  • To better predict the weather.

  • To equip ourselves to deal with potentially disastrous collisions in the future.

  • To predict potential disruptions to communication, etc. caused by sunspot activity and solar flares.

  • To improve our scientific understanding of the nature of reality by observing the effects of extreme conditions (e.g. black holes).

  • To understand how to colonise other planets if we need to.

  • To understand better how life began on this planet, and the diversity of forms it may take in general.