Why is the distance of the Earth from the sun so crucial for life as we know it?

1 Answer
Aug 23, 2016

If the sun was a greater distance from the earth all the water would be frozen, If the sun was closer all the water would be gas not liquid.


Liquid water is essential to life as it is known on the earth. Water is the universal solvent. The sugars needed for energy dissolve easily into liquid water. Ionic solutes such as salt (sodium chloride) also dissolve easily into water.

Water stays liquid from 0 #C^o# to 100 #C^o#

When water freezes unlike most chemicals it expands. This means that water turns solid at the top protecting the aquatic life under the ice. Most other liquids would freeze at the bottom and work up to the top until all the bodies of liquid would be solid and no life would be possible.

So if the sun was further away there would be no liquid water only ice and life would not exists on the earth.

If the sun was closer all the water would evaporate and turn to steam and gas and life would not exist on the earth.