Why is the U.S. and Iran interested in Iraq?

2 Answers
May 11, 2017

It has a tremendous amount of oil reserves


Iraq was in the focus of attention from the USA and Iran because of the plenty oil reserve that this country encompasses. Iran is also interested in protecting the Shia populations of Iraq and their religious sites.

May 12, 2017

Iran wants to expand its influence in the Middle East and to control the large Shia population in Iraq. The US wanted to block the aspirations of The Dictator of Iraq and to impose democracy on Iraq.


Iraq and Iran had fought a long war along their border. The long war and expensive war did not result in any advantage to either side.

Iraq was ruled by a Sunni dictator but had a majority Shia population. Iran has long sought homogeny over the Middle East.
Iraq was the only force strong enough to oppose Iran's ambitions.

The US fought two wars against Iraq to block Iraq's territorial ambitions. The first war was to free Kuwait from the illegal take over of Kuwait by Iraq. The second war was in response to perceived threats of weapons of mass distraction.

The US tried and wanted to impose a Western style democracy in Iraq. The goal was to establish a government that favored the West. The hope was that a democratic Iraq would continue to be a barrier to the aspirations of Iran for control of the Middle East.

The United States does not and has never gotten any oil imports from Iraq. The cost of fighting the war in Iraq and the subsequent efforts of nation building have not been reinbursted to the US. American allies like France have benefited from Iraq oil imports.

Iran will continue to attempt to expand its influence in the Middle East and the United States will continue to attempt to block Iran.