Why would too much salt intake cause someone to develop high blood pressure?

2 Answers

The salt raises the amount of sodium ions in your our bloodstream and reduces the ability of our kidneys to remove the water.


  1. The salt raises the amount of sodium ions in your our bloodstream and reduces the ability of our kidneys to remove the water.
  2. The result is a higher blood pressure due to the extra fluid and extra strain on the delicate blood vessels leading to the kidneys.
Dec 5, 2016

A high salt diet disrupts the natural sodium balance in the body. This causes fluid retention which increases the pressure exerted by the blood against blood vessel walls.


Salt is an ionic compound of sodium chloride , which is 40% sodium and 60% chloride.

Sodium serves as an important nutrient in the body and helps nerves and muscles to function correctly. It is also involved in the auto regulation of water and fluid. Sodium also helps to control BP ( blood pressure ) and blood volume.

Changes in salt intake are associated in general with corresponding changes in arterial BP.

High dietary salt intake presents a major challenge to the kidneys , to excrete large amounts of salt administered. Salt works on the kidneys to make the body hold on to more water. The extra stored water raises the BP and puts strain on the kidneys, arteries, heart and brain.