What is the general solution of the differential equation y-xy'=3-2x^2y'?

Symbolab says the answer is y=(xc_1)/(2x-1)+3?

2 Answers
Apr 6, 2018

y = 3+(Cx)/(2x-1)


We have:


Which we can rearrange and collect terms to get:

2x^2y'-xy' + y =3

:. (2x^2-x)y' =3-y

:. 1/(3-y) dy/dx = 1/(x(2x-1))

Which is a separable ODE, so if we "separate the variables" then:

- int \ 1/(y-3) \ dy = int \ 1/(x(2x-1)) \ dx

We can decompose the RHS integral into partial fractions, and we gain:

- int \ 1/(y-3) \ dy = int \ 2/(2x-1)-1/x \ dx

And integrating we get:

- ln(y-3) = ln(2x-1)-lnx + lnA

:. ln(1/(y-3)) = ln ((A(2x-1))/x)

:. 1/(y-3) = (A(2x-1))/x

:. y-3 = x/(A(2x-1))

:. y = 3+(Cx)/(2x-1) \ \ \ \ where C=1/A \ \ \ \ QED


Side Note on the Constant of Integration:

In order to answer the follow-up query where to did ln A come from, it is is easier to explain in the solution in FAQ form.

Why do we have (or need) a constant in a DE solution?

Quite simply because the derivative of any constant is zero, then when we integrate (which we do solve a DE) there is always the possibility that the original DE solution contained a constant,. eg:

{ (y=2x+1), (y=2x+2), (y=2x+c) :} => dy/dx=2

So the "General" solution of the DE:

dy/dx=2 " is " y=2x + C

Every order of the DE will introduce a constant, so a Second Order equation will introduce two (independent) constants:

Why is the constant always called C?

It isn't - it can be called C, A, k or anything else suitable. It is just a mathematical symbol used to denote a constant. commonly it is called C (for constant, as is frequently used when we perform an integration) but equally common alternatives vary according to the solution, eg: k for exponential decay A,B for sinoisiodal solutions

e.g.: y = e^(-kt) , y=Acos(omegat )+Bsin(omegat)

In the above solution lnA was the constant, why?

We could have used C and gained the solution

- ln(y-3) = ln(2x-1)-lnx + C

Then we could write C=ln e^C (using the rules of logs), so the final solution would be

y = 3+(1/(e^C) x)/(2x-1)

There is nothing wrong with this, the solution is still valid, 1/e^C is still a constant but by writing the constant in a different form we can gain a simpler solution. In this case seeing that all terms involved a logarithm, then writing the constant as the log of a constant simplified things, this is a common technique.

E.g. If my original question involved constant alpha and beta and upon solving the DE we used C is the constant and gained a solution of the form:

y = alphacos(omegat )+betasin(omegat) + (tan(alpha+beta))/(cosalpha+sinbeta) + alpha + beta + C

We can more concisely write this as:

y = alphacos(omegat )+betasin(omegat) + A

You will often encounter a solution whose solution itself generates a constant term, and this constant then mysteriously vanishes because it is incorporated into the constant that came form integration

Apr 6, 2018



Now, when dealing with separable DEs, the objective is to have one side in terms of y, dy and the other in terms of x, dx. This one looks a bit rough to separate, but after a few steps, it's not so bad.



We can move 2x^2y' over to the left.


Factor out y'.


We can move 2x^2-x to the right, entailing division by it on the right, and 3-y to the left, entailing division by it on the left. Also, replace y' with dy/dx .



We then integrate both sides.


The integral on the right side looks a bit more complex. It will require partial fraction decomposition of the integrand, 1/(2x^2-x)

Factor the denominator and decompose in accordance with the rules for decomposition involving linear factors in the denominator.


Add up the right side.


Equate numerators to find A,B.


Let x=0.

1=-A, A=-1

Let x=1/2.

1=1/2B, B=2

Thus, intdx/(x(2x^2-1))=-intdx/x+2intdx/(2x-1)

These are simple integrals.


Combine the logarithms to get ln|(2x-1)/x|

The right side is much nicer. intdy/(3-y)=-ln|3-y|

Then, we have


Do not forget that constant, it is important. We would technically have two constants, one from each side, but we absorbed them into the single constant on the right.


This implicit solution is not good enough, we need an explicit solution. Exponentiate both sides.


Recalling that e^lna=a, e^(a*b)=e^ae^ b:





Omit the absolute values.


Let A=+-e^C, this is just an arbitrary constant.



This does fall in line with the answer Symbolab gave me.

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