You find an active volcano. What types of rocks would you expect to find near the volcano and why?

1 Answer
Apr 16, 2016

Depends on the type of volcano of which there are two types. Both produce different types of igneous rocks.


Mafic volcanoes produce mainly igneous basalts in a variety of textures including; scoria (vesicular) , AA lava (blocky), and Pahoehoe lava (ropey). These types of lava flows are generally slow and sluggish and if you have to, you can probably outrun them! The Hawaiian volcanoes are an example. See pic 1 of phoebe ropy lava. image source here

Felsic volcanoes produce a variety of igneous rocks including rhyolite, andesite, pumice and ash. These volcanoes tend to be very dangerous due to their explosive nature. The volcanoes along the west coast of the U. S. are examples. Pic 2 is a felsic pumice that is so light it floats on water! image source here