Zal picked 12 cherries from one tree and 3 from another. He picked 8 more cherries than Karen picked. How many cherries did Karen pick?

1 Answer
Mar 8, 2018

Based on the question, Karen picked 7 cherries!


We know that
Zal's Total - Karen's Total = 8 since that's how many more cherries Zal picked.

We also know that #"Zal picked 12 cherries from one tree and 3 from another"#

Which means that Zal picked 12+3=15 cherries

So if Zal's Total is 15, the first equation becomes:

15 - Karen's Total = 8

Let's call Karen's Total #K_T# to make writing easier.

The next step is to move #K_T# to the Right Hand Side of the equation, by adding #K_T# to both sides:

#15 - cancel(K_T) + cancel(K_T)=8+K_T #

Then subtract 8 from both sides, and get your answer!

#15 - 8=cancel(8)+K_T-cancel(8) #
#7=K_T="Karen's Total"#