Answers created by Sarah.
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How does electromagnetic radiation affect our lives?
What holds galaxies together?
What is a hot spring and what do they suggest about the local volcanic system?
How will the private sector enable new advances in space exploration?
What did people want before they would accept the Constitution?
How was Mercury formed?
What political party did most African American politicians belong to immediately after the Civil War?
Why did the Continental Congress draw up the Articles of Confederation?
How are seismic waves measured?
What is meant by electromagnetic radiation?
How long does it take for a typical star that has no more hydrogen to become a red giant?
If the universe is flat, why do we have dimensions on earth?
What happens to a star much bigger than the Sun, once the star reaches the end of the main sequence' period of its life cycle?
How do you find the derivative of sin−1(2x+1)?
Is it possible to send a camera into a black hole?
How does the initial mass of a star affect its final outcome?
Which electron is, on average, further from the nucleus: an electron in a 3p orbital or an electron in a 4p orbital?
Question #a27c0
What are white dwarf stars and how do they form?
What causes a supernova?
Why are giant and supergiant stars rare?
What can a star become from a red giant, and then what after that?
What does iron do in the stars and sun?
What countries have put people on the moon?
How do you solve w2=4.56.8?
How do massive stars end their life cycle?
What determines the path a supernova takes, either as a neutron star or a black hole?
How is a nebula related to star formation?
Do all stars and planets rotate? Are there any that have been discovered that do not rotate?
Is our universe expanding? Or does it only seem bigger because our ability to look further into the universe has grown?
How did the earth come into being?
What does the sky look like by a black hole?
Question #83c38
How does gravity affect the expansion of the universe?