What advancements did Galileo make in the history of telescopes?

1 Answer

Although Galileo did not invent telescope, He made his own telescope and used it to observe the sky, stars, moon, planets, and many other things.


He observed and recorded hills and craters on the Moon, four moons around Jupiter, crescent phases of Venus, stars in the Milky Way, and much more. His findings supported the findings of Copernicus about a sun centered universe.

Hans Lippershey of Netherlands is one of the men commonly credited with the invention, but he was not granted a patent since the technology was counterclaimed by two other lens makers of the same time. Wikipedia

The next year, Galileo created a much easier method of connecting the two lenses in a refracting telescope. From this alone his salary at the time was doubled by the senate in Venice.

Thereafter, he further improved them. Prior to his work, the telescopes of this time would only increase magnification by about three times. Galileo improved this to about 33 times magnification.