0.314 mol of a diatomic molecule has a mass of 22.26g. How would you identify the molecule?

1 Answer
Aug 23, 2017

We take the quotient #"mass"/"molar quantity"#............, and we indentify the molecule as #Cl_2#........


And thus #"mass"/"molar quantity"=(22.26*g)/(0.314*mol^-1)#

#-=70.9*g*mol^-1# WITH RESPECT TO #X_2#, and thus the molar mass, with respect to #X# was #35.45*g*mol^-1#, and clearly #X=Cl#, i.e. #X_2-=Cl_2#.

As a tip, which I would expect A2 students, and certainly 1st year undergraduates, to know, #"ALL of the elemental gases"# (save the Noble Gases), #"dihydrogen, dinitrogen, dioxygen, dihalogen,"# are BINUCLEAR, i.e. #H_2#, #N_2#, #X_2# etc.

And of course #Br_2# is a room temperature liquid, and #I_2# is a room temperature solid.