What are the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum of the data set?

63, 98, 40, 32, 20, 80, 102, 65

1 Answer
May 3, 2018

Min 20
#1^(st)# quartile 36
Median 64
#3^(rd)# quartile 89
max 102


put them in order

20 32 40 63 65 80 98 102

the max and min are obviously the biggest and smallest
the median is the middle value but as there are two numbers in the middle we add them and half it

#63+65=128, 128/2=64#

we take the first four numbers and find halfway for the #1^(st)# quartile # => (32+40)/2 =36#

we take the last four numbers and do the same for the #3^(rd)# quartile #=> (80+98)/2 =89#