1st term is 3, last term 136, the sum is 1390, what is the first 3 terms?

1 Answer
May 2, 2016

#a = 3# and #d = 7#
The sequence is 3, 10, 17 .....


This would appear to be a question on an arithmetic series.

In order to find consecutive terms, we need to find the value of the common difference, #d#

There are two formulae for finding the sum of a series, the one we will need to use is
#S_n = n/2(a+l)#...... we know thw sum as well as the first and the last term, but not how many terms were added.

Substituting and solving for #n# gives the following:

# n/2(a+l) = S_n# #rArr n/2(3+136) = 1390#

#n(139) = 2780)#

#n = 20# ...........................Now we know that 136 is the 20th term.

#T_20 = a + (n-1)d = 136# ..................... #a=1 and n = 20#

#3 + 19d# = #136# #rArr19d = 133#

#d = 7#

Now that we have #a and d# we can write any term in the sequence.