#"before subtracting the fractions we require them to "#
#"have a "color(blue)"common denominator"#
#"factorising the denominators of both fractions"#
#"the factors of the product - 24 which sum to - 23 are"#
#"are - 24 and + 1"#
#=color(red)(4y)(y-6)color(red)(+1)(y-6)larrcolor(blue)"factor by grouping"#
#=(y-6)(color(red)(4y+1))larrcolor(blue)"common factor "(y-6)#
#"the common denominator is "y(4y+1)(y-6)#
#"multiply numerator/denominator of "#
#(2y)/(y(4y+1))" by "(y-6)#
#"multiply numerator/denominator of"#
#(3+y)/((4y+1)(y-6))" by "y#
#"we now have a common denominator so can subtract"#
#"the numerators leaving the denominator"#
#"with restrictions "y!=-1/4,y!=6#