Question #44b23

1 Answer
Aug 22, 2014

Here's what I get.


The structural formula is:


When you draw the Lewis structure for #"PF"_2"Cl"_3#, you find that it is an AX₅ molecule.

According to VSEPR theory, it must have a trigonal bipyramidal shape.

There are three possible structures:

a) Both #"F"# atoms in the axial position.
b) Both #"F"# atoms in the equatorial locations.
c) One #"F"# axial and one #"F"# equatorial.

Which is most likely to be correct?

The #"Cl"# atoms should be equatorial because

  1. The #"Cl"# atoms are bigger than #"F"# atoms, so they are more likely to occupy the equatorial locations (separated by 120° rather than 90°).
  2. The #"P-Cl"# σ bonds occupy more space than the #"P-F"# σ bonds because the less electronegative #"Cl"# atoms hold the electrons less tightly. The #"Cl"# atoms will occupy equatorial locations to minimize bond repulsions.

The structure is most likely.

Ball stick

The ball-and-stick model doesn't show correctly the relative sizes of the atoms.

Here's a space-filling picture showing the relative sizes.


An experiment shows that #"PF"_2"Cl"_3# is nonpolar.

The structure shown has no dipole moment:

The two #"P-F"# bond dipoles are at 180°, so they cancel each other. And the three #"P-Cl"# bonds are symmetrically distributed at angles of 120°, so their dipoles also cancel.

Thus, the above structure is correct.