Question #fe76a

2 Answers
Apr 6, 2015

The slope represents K_"m"/V_("max").

The starting curve for your double reciprocal plot is actually the Michaelis-Menten Plot, which looks like this

The above plot shows the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction, V, as a function of the substrate concentration, [S].

The equation plotted looks like this

V = (V_("max") * [S])/(K_m + [S]), where

V_("max") - the maximum rate of the reaction;
K_m - the substrate concentration when the rate is equal to V_("max")/2.

Now, you need to get from V and [S] to 1/V and 1/([S]), so just use the multiplicative inverse of the above equation to get

1/V = (K_m + [S])/(V_("max") * [S])

1/V = K_m/(V_("max") * [S]) + cancel([S])/(cancel([S]) * V_("max"))

1/V = K_m/(V_("max") * [S]) + 1/V_("max")

Now, to get to slope, think of the y = mx + b" " equation for a line

underbrace(1/V)_("y") = underbrace(K_m/V_("max"))_(color(red)(m)) * underbrace(1/([S]))_text(x) + underbrace(1/(V_max))_(b)

This plot is called the Lineweaver-Burk plot and it looks like this

Apr 6, 2015

The slope is equal to K_"m""/"V_"max".

A double reciprocal plot is used for analyzing enzyme kinetics.

It is a useful method for analyzing the Michaelis-Menten equation:

V = (V_"max"[S])/(K_"m" + [S])

where V is the reaction velocity, V_"max" is the maximum reaction velocity, [S] is the substrate concentration, and K_"m" is the Michaelis-Menten constant.

Taking the reciprocal gives

1/V = (K_"m" + [S])/(V_"max"[S]) = K_"m"/V_"max" 1/([S]) + 1/V_"max"

The equation is of the form y = mx + b

where y = 1/V, m = K_"m"/V_"max", x = 1/([S]), and b = 1/V_"max".

A plot of y vs x or 1/V vs 1/([S]) is called a double reciprocal plot or a Lineweaver-Burk plot.

The x-intercept is -1/K_"m".

The y-intercept b = 1/V_"max".

And the slope m = K_"m"/V_"max".