Question #43379

2 Answers
May 4, 2015

The problem is not so much editing answers. The guy posting the pornographic animated gifs was (primarily) "answering questions". If only special people could edit answers there would have been a lot more of these postings for a longer period of time. I think there were probably half a dozen of us trying to edit out these "answers"; I don't know that any of us would have had the special privileges you are suggesting. However some ability to recover deleted material is desirable (I think it at least partially exists under "update changed from" or something like that).

May 4, 2015

I do hate to see contributors' work deleted, though I like all registered users being able to contribute to solutions.
Many of the posts I saw were nots edits, but first answers to questions. Changing editing policy would protect our answers, but would not have prevented the posts as answers.