Question #4e0d9

1 Answer
Nov 15, 2015

they both are involved in gaseous exchange for both leaves and fishes.


i will explain both of them one by one and then state how they are similar


They are small opening though which the plant exchange gases and water with the environment.

As, these will adversely affect the molecular processes going in the plant cells they need to be exchanged and plants have come up with stomata. they are regulated by the presence of water in the guard cells.

Figure showing gaseous and water-vapour exchange through stomata


they are set of filaments which harbor large number of blood vessels in them which is capable of exchanging oxygen with the incoming water in the gills.

so once the circulatory system collects the deoxgenated blood vessel from the body and it goes through the capillaries in the gill filament they exchange oxygen from the water and result in oxygenated blood required by body.

Figure showing gaseous exchange through gills

both stomata i leaves and gills in fishes are doing nothing but exchanging gases with the surroundings