What is the volume of #1*ft^3# in #cm^3#?

1 Answer
Sep 7, 2015

#"1 foot, 12 inches = 30.48 cm"#. 1 cubic foot, #1*ft^3#, = #(30.48*cm)^3 =?#


It seems strange to be using feet and inches; it's almost like using pounds, shillings, and pence, and guineas and sovereigns. Anyway, you have the conversion factor, #(30.48)^3# #cm^3# #ft^-3#, #28316# #cm^3ft^-3#. I have tried to include the dimensional conversion factor.

PS I do realize that the USA persists in using imperial, and non-imperial, measurements, and in fact #”US pints and gallons”# are different to #”Imperial ones”#. There was an old article I was trying to find about the measurement of the speed of light in furlongs per fortnight.