What are imaginary numbers?

1 Answer
Oct 3, 2015

The Real numbers can be represented as a line.

The Complex numbers can be represented by a plane whose x axis is the Real numbers.

Imaginary numbers are the numbers on the y axis of that plane.


Suppose we start with Whole numbers 0, 1, 2, 3,...

We can add them them quite happily and we always get another Whole number.

We can solve problems like x + 2 = 5, but when we try to solve problems like x + 5 = 2 we find our Whole numbers are insufficient.

So we can introduce the idea of a negative number and expand our idea of what a number is to include all of the Integers:

ZZ = { 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3,...}

We can add and multiply any two Integers and we always get an Integer.

We can solve problems like 2x + 6 = 0, but when we try to solve problems like 6x + 2 = 0 we find our Integers are insufficient.

So we can introduce the idea of a Rational number and expand our idea of what a number is to include all numbers of the form m / n where m, n in ZZ and n != 0.


To cut a long story short, in order to be able to solve problems like x^2 + 1 = 0 we introduce the imaginary unit i, with the property i^2 = -1.

A square root of a negative Real number is a pure imaginary number.

In fact, we define the principal square root of a negative Real number as:

sqrt(x) = i sqrt(-x)

Any Complex number z in CC can be represented as z = a + ib where a and b are Real numbers. a is called the Real part of z and ib the Imaginary part. This can be pictured as the point (a, b) on a plane.

Please note that Imaginary numbers are no more imaginary than Real numbers. Sir Isaac Newton seemed to dislike working with negative numbers, which he called "imaginary" numbers.