What is metabolism?

6 Answers
Oct 19, 2015

Metabolism is a chemical process which converts food and liquid into energy.


Metabolism is a chemical process which converts food and liquid into energy. These chemical reactions maintain life and repair yourself. It breaks and builds compounds and can store them for later use.

Metabolism is effected by around ten different factors. The most important ones are Muscle mass and age because muscle needs a lot more energy fat. The older you get the less muscle tissue and there are hormonal and neurological changes. There are some factors you cant change like genetics and gender.

Metabolism can changed by using factors that influence it. I big way to change your metabolism is to exercise, especially strength training like weight lifting. Even if you are aging you should still work out to improve your metabolism. Your diet is another great way to change your metabolism by eating certain foods in the right amount, and time. You should eat more fiber and less fat. One thing you should have is iodine because if you do not have enough it can slow your metabolic process.



Oct 20, 2015

Metabolism is when chemical processes happen inside a living organism in order to maintain growth. It is process that your body goes through which converts the food you eat into energy. Metabolism is also linked to the weight of your body.


There are many factors that can have an impact on your metabolism. One of the things that can have an impact is your body size and composition. Those who have stronger muscles than others will have a higher metabolic rate, because their bodies burn more calories. Another factor is your gender. It is proven that men have less body fat and more muscle than women do. They also burn more calories. They have a higher metabolism rate than women.
And the third factor is your age. The older you get the slower your metabolism rate will get. The amount of muscle decreases, and fat accounts for more of your weight.

There are many ways you can change your metabolism. One way is to eat smaller and more frequent meals. If the time between your meals is increased, then your metabolism will decrease. Another way is choosing lean proteins in your diet. Your body takes more energy to process protein. And lastly, you should drink plenty of water. It is proven that the more water you drink, the higher your metabolism will be.

Oct 20, 2015

The process in which your body converts foods or drinks into energy.



Their are many factors that affect your metabolism such as your age, your sex, and your weight. As you get older your metabolism has the tendency to slow down. Your metabolism does not change your weight, your ability to process food, and the amount of energy gotten daily does. Your weight effects your metabolism by slowing it down for the more you weigh. Women naturally have a faster metabolism, but men have the tendency of ending up with a faster metabolism from weight training.

You can change your metabolism in many ways. One way you can change it is to work out more. Another way to speed up your metabolism is to eat healthier food. A third way is to drink a lot of water. Finally, you can speed up your metabolism by eating spicy food.

Jan 20, 2016

Metabolism is the breakdown of molecules to receive energy. It also is all the compounds needed by cells.


Jan 21, 2016

Danielle's Metabolism Questions


What is metabolism? Research 2-3 sources and create a definition in 3 complete sentences. (5 points)
Metabolism is a collection of chemical reactions that happens in the body’s cells. Metabolism converts the food we eat into the energy we need as a human. Specific proteins in the body control the chemical reactions of metabolism.

What factors influence metabolism? After researching 2-3 sources, choose 3 factors, and create an explanation in 3 complete sentences. (5 points)

One influence of metabolism is body size and compositions meaning people who are more muscular and fit burn more calories. Another influence is your gender meaning men usually have less body fat and more muscle than women, who are the same age and weight, burning more calories. The last influence is your age, the older you get the amount of muscle you have decreases and fat accounts for more of your weight, burning more calories.

How can you change your metabolism? Come up with 3-4 ways you could change or influence your metabolism.

Drinking green tea- The primary antioxidant in green tea will speed up metabolism
Drinking water- The body’s chemical reactions happen in water
Omega 3 fats - Boost metabolism by increasing the activation of fat-burning enzymes


Apr 22, 2016

Metabolism is a general term used to describe the breaking down of food to provide food for the operations of organisms.


Definition continued: The body "burns" food in this process of chemical reactions and the energy yielded by the process is comparable to actual combustion. Overall it is the sum of the reactions that are used for growth and development.


In the metabolic process different nutrients and micronutrients affect the body differently. The amount of energy released by proteins, fats, and carbohydrates all differ, with fats having the highest release of energy in calories per gram. Factors such as body size, body composition, gender, age, climate and body temperature, hormonal levels, and overall health affect the metabolic rate in the body.


In order to influence or change your metabolism it is important to manage what food is eaten and to have a calorie intake that is matched well with activity level. Performing resistance exercises that add muscle mass (increased muscle mass would increase the resting metabolic rate by about 50 kilocalories per day), and by eating enough complex carbs so that protein is not used for energy production are also great ways to compliment the metabolic rate.
