What is the square root of #756487# minus the square of #7654# ?

1 Answer
May 2, 2016



The prime factorisation of #756487# is:

#756487 = 277*2731#

Since this has no square factors, the square root cannot be simplified.

#7654^2 = 7654*7654 = 58583716#


#sqrt(756487)-7654^2 = sqrt(756487)-58583716#


In common with any square root, #sqrt(756487)# has a repeating continued fraction. In the case of #756487# it takes a while before it repeats:

#sqrt(756487) =#



Notice the large term #579#. That means that we can get a good rational approximation for #sqrt(756487)# by truncating just before it:

#sqrt(756487) ~~ 869+1/(1+1/(3+1/(4+1/(1+1/(2+1/(2+1/(1+1/1))))))) = 293110/337 ~~ 869.76261127596#


#sqrt(756487) ~~ 869.76261129115#