Question #25851

1 Answer
Feb 26, 2016

Evolution and Reproduction


Biologically, we exist because our parents procreated. More so, we have a biological drive to pass on our genes to the next generation. Other than that, there is no "why", no "reason" that we exist. Whatever other meaning you want to ascribe to your life is your decision, make it as grand or as little as you want, but life does not come with an instruction booklet, nor with "meaning".

If you want to be philosophical about it and feel the need for connection, think about this:

You are less significant to the totality of the Universe than one grain of sand in all the beaches of the Earth, but, figuratively you ARE the Universe.

During it's 13.7 Billion years the Universe has generated many many stars that went through their "life" to make all the elements heavier than Hydrogen and Helium, then these stars exploded and spread all of these elements throughout the Universe.

9 Billion years later some of these elements gathered in a gas cloud, that collapsed creating a star and planets. Our Sun and our solar system. In its 4.5 Billion year existence life sprung and evolved and led to the amazing complexity that we have today.

We're ALL connected through many things:
Astronomically, we're all star dust. ALL the atoms that make us and all the animals and all the plants and all the planets came from earlier stars. AND the atoms in your left hand could very well be from a different star than the ones in your right hand.

Biologically, every single thing that is alive today, from the bacteria in the sea to you is connected through evolution. We're ALL a part of the book of life and are all part of the same family.

So, again, if you want to be philosophical, think that you're the Universe manifest, able to contemplate the magnificence of the Universe and the interconnectivity of it all, or, just think of this:

a colorless, odorless gas that, given enough time, will become people. ;)