How do you solve cot(x) = x ?
1 Answer
There is no algebraic closed form solution, but you can use Newton's method to find numeric solutions.
Newton's method starts with an initial approximation
a_(i+1) = a_i - f(a_i)/(f'(a_i))
So in our case:
a_(i+1) = a_i - (cot(a_i)-a_i)/(-csc^2(a_i)-1)=a_i + (cot(a_i)-a_i)/(csc^2(a_i)+1)
Looking at the graphs of
graph{(cot(x)-y)(x-y)=0 [-20, 20, -10, 10]}
We see that there is one solution for each interval
The only algebraic relationship between these solutions is that they occur in
In order to converge to the desired solution, it seems that for larger values of
With suitable initial approximations it only takes a few iterations to find approximate solutions:
x ~~ +-0.860333589019380
x ~~ +-3.425618459481728
x ~~ +-6.437298179171947
x ~~ +-9.529334405361963