Question #db808 Calculus Limits Limits at Infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes 1 Answer Jim H Apr 6, 2017 #0# Explanation: (x^(-4/3))/sin(1/x) = #(x^(-1/3)*x^-1)/sin(1/x) =1/x^(1/3) (1/x)/sin(1/x)# As #xrarroo#, #1/x^(1/3) rarr 0# and #1/x rarr 0# so #(1/x)/sin(1/x) = 1# Therefore, #lim_(xrarroo)x^(-4/3)/sin(1/x) =0# Answer link Related questions What kind of functions have horizontal asymptotes? How do you find horizontal asymptotes for #f(x) = arctan(x)# ? How do you find the horizontal asymptote of a curve? How do you find the horizontal asymptote of the graph of #y=(-2x^6+5x+8)/(8x^6+6x+5)# ? How do you find the horizontal asymptote of the graph of #y=(-4x^6+6x+3)/(8x^6+9x+3)# ? How do you find the horizontal asymptote of the graph of y=3x^6-7x+10/8x^5+9x+10? How do you find the horizontal asymptote of the graph of #y=6x^2# ? How can i find horizontal asymptote? How do you find horizontal asymptotes using limits? What are all horizontal asymptotes of the graph #y=(5+2^x)/(1-2^x)# ? See all questions in Limits at Infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes Impact of this question 1363 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License