Question #18572

1 Answer
May 14, 2016

g will not change if rotation of earth stops.


Let us see how g is defined.
As per Law of Universal Gravitation the force of attraction between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of masses of the two bodies. it is also inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two.

F_G =G (M_1.M_2)/r^2

Where G is the proportionality constant.
It has the value 6.67408 xx 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
If one of the bodies is Earth having mass M_1 and other body having mass m, the equation reduces to
F_G =G (M_1.m)/r^2
r is the distance between the two centers.
Rewriting it as a known expression and taking r as radius of earth.

F =mcdot g
where acceleration due to gravity g=G (M_1)/r^2, a constant and =9.81ms^-2
In these expressions rotation of earth is not an associated. As such g will not change if rotation of earth stops.

As observed in above equations, actual value of g if measured at the poles and at equator will be different due to difference in the polar and equatorial radii of earth.

Similarly, effective g will change if rotation of earth stops due to vanishing of Coriolis force, reference here.