What issues arose after World War 2 that led to conflict between the USA and the Soviet Union?

1 Answer
Feb 7, 2017

National Security (Geopolitical), Ideological, and Economic issues.


There was lots to be afraid of at the end of World War 2. The contrasts between the Capitalist system of the USA and the Communist System of Russia did not leave much common ground and friction started immediately.

The apocalypse of the World War 2 did nothing to instill confidence in human kindness. The wounds of the war were very fresh in peoples minds. The possibility of renewed conflict and the price of such as war was foremost in everyone's mind.

National security issues were a important part as Russia took influence over Eastern Europe to buffer any aggression from the west. Ideology continued to create conflict as the government systems were so different. America pursued a policy of containment to limit the expansion of Communism.

Economic aid that was so important in the post War world was applied by contrasting Economic theory. Now every country had to choose between Capitalism or Communism there was no middle ground.
