How can you use the binomial theorem to expand (y-2)^7(y2)7 ?

1 Answer
Sep 15, 2016

(y-2)^7 = y^7-14y^6+84y^5-280y^4+560y^3-672y^2+448y-128(y2)7=y714y6+84y5280y4+560y3672y2+448y128


By the binomial theorem:

(a+b)^n = ((n),(0))a^n + ((n),(1))a^(n-1)b + ((n),(2))a^(n-2)b^2 + ... + ((n),(n))b^n

where ((n),(k)) = (n!)/((n-k)!k!)

Rather than mess with all those factorials directly, we can pick out the appropriate row of Pascal's triangle, which in our example is the row beginning 1, 7. This row of Pascal's triangle gives us the values ((7),(0)), ((7),(1)), ... , ((7),(7))

enter image source here

So we find:

(a+b)^7 = a^7+7a^6b+21a^5b^2+35a^4b^3+35a^3b^4+21a^2b^5+7ab^6+b^7

In our example, a=y and b=-2, so we have some powers of 2 and alternating signs to deal with.

The easiest way is probably to write out some sequences to construct our coefficients...

Here's the row from Pascal's triangle:

1, 7, 21, 35, 35, 21, 7, 1

Here are powers of 2 in ascending order:

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128

Multiply the two sequences together to get:

1, 14, 84, 280, 560, 672, 448, 128

Then alternate the signs:

1, -14, 84, -280, 560, -672, 448, -128

These are the coefficients we need. So we have:

(y-2)^7 = y^7-14y^6+84y^5-280y^4+560y^3-672y^2+448y-128