Question #fdce1

2 Answers
Oct 26, 2016

a = 1-i and b = 0


Calling a=a_x+i a_y and b=b_x+i b_y we have

f(z)=(4+i)z^2+(a_x+ia_y)z+b_x+ib_y so

f(1)=4 + a_x + b_x + i(a_y + b_y+1)


f(i)=-4 - a_y + b_x + i(a_x + b_y-1)


a_y + b_y+1=0


a_x + b_y-1=0

then the problem can be reduced to

min g(a,b) = a_x^2+a_y^2+b_x^2+b_y^2

restricted to

r_1(a,b) = a_y + b_y+1=0
r_2(a,b)= a_x + b_y-1=0

Making the Lagrangian

L(a,b,lambda) = g(a,b)+lambda_1r_1(a,b)+lambda_2r_2(a,b) The stationary points are given by

{ (2 a_x + lambda_2 = 0), (2 a_y + lambda_1 = 0), (2 b_x = 0), (2 b_y + lambda_1 + lambda_2 = 0), (a_y + b_y + 1= 0), (a_x + b_y - 1= 0):}

Solving we have

a_x = 1, a_y = -1, b_x = 0, b_y = 0, lambda_1 = 2, lambda_2 = -2

so the solution is

a = 1-i and b = 0

Oct 26, 2016

|a|+|b| is minimized at a = 1-i and b=0, giving |a|+|b| = sqrt(2).


f(1) = (4+i)(1)^2 + a(1) + b

= 4+i + a + b

For this value to be real, the imaginary part of a+b must cancel the i, that is, "Im"(a+b) = -1

f(i) = (4+i)(i)^2 + a(i) + b


For this value to be real, we must have the imaginary part of ai+b cancel the -i, that is, "Im"(ai+b) = 1

Let a = a_r+a_ii and b = b_r+b_ii. Then ai = -a_i+a_ri, so the above two observations give us the system

{(a_i+b_i = -1), (a_r+b_i = 1):}

Putting a_i and a_r in terms of b_i, this gives

{(a_i = -b_i-1), (a_r = -b_i+1):}

Finally, before proceeding, notice that nowhere did we place any restrictions on b_r. If the above system holds, then we will have f(1) in RR and f(i) in RR regardless of the value of b_r. As such, we will assume b_r = 0 for the purpose of minimizing |b|.

Now, putting everything in terms of b_i, we have

|a| + |b| = sqrt(a_r^2+a_i^2)+sqrt(b_r^2+b_i^2)

=sqrt((-b_i+1)^2+(-b_i-1)^2) + sqrt(0^2+b_i^2)

=sqrt(2b_i^2+2) + |b_i|

By inspection, this value has a minimum at b_i = 0, as any change in b_i in either the positive or negative direction will result in an increase in both terms. Thus, setting b_i = 0, we get our final answer as

a = a_r+a_ii = (-b_i+1)+(-b_i-1)i = 1-i

b = b_r+b_ii = 0+0i = 0


|a|+|b| = sqrt(2(0)^2+2)+|0| = sqrt(2)