Question #8e005 Precalculus Dot Product of Vectors Vector Projection 1 Answer A. S. Adikesavan Jan 22, 2017 2m^2n^2 sin^2 theta, where theta = angle between vecm and vec n. If vecm and vec n are unit vectors, m and n are 1 and this becomes 2sin^2theta Explanation: Assuming that the expression is |vecmXvecn|^2+|vecnXvecm|^2, it is 2m^2n^2 sin^2 theta, where theta = angle between vecm and vec n =2sin^2theta, for unit vectors, having m and n as 1, I have used vecmXvecn=-vecnXvecm and vecm X vec n = mn sin theta vecz, where vecz is the unit vector in the direction of vecm X vec n. Answer link Related questions What is the vector projection formula? What are vector projections used for? How does a vector differ from its projection? How do I find the orthogonal vector projection of vec{a} onto vec{b}? How do I determine the vector projection of a vector? What is vector projection? How do I find the orthogonal projection of a vector? How do I find the orthogonal projection of two vectors? How do you find the vector C that is perpendicular to A-> -3x+9y-z=0 and which vector C... Question #8f5e6 See all questions in Vector Projection Impact of this question 1700 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License