Homeostasis is controlled by both nervous and endocrine systems. Compared to hormones, action of nerves could be described as which of the following? a)more effective b)more complex c)more time consuming d)more rapid

1 Answer
Aug 22, 2017

Good question,
The endocrine response and nerve response are different.

Nerve transmits information we receive from the environment to our brain. This occurs via nerve cells and then back to our muscle for response. Nerve cells are able to transmit small electric currents at a speed of several metres per second, which means really fast and also very brief.

The hormone or endocrine is a chemical released from a gland called endocrine gland. It travels through the blood to bring about an effect on another organ or tissue. Hormones bring about their effects by binding to proteins in the cell membrane. This takes them second to years.

Therefore, I would choose (d) "more rapid".