Why is #0! = 1# ?

2 Answers
Mar 26, 2017

We can do it by the definition of the factorial (assuming that #0! ne 0#, if that matters).

#N! = 1*2*3cdotsN#

Since #((N+1)!)/(N!) = (N!(N+1))/(N!) = N+1#, it follows that with #N = 0#,

#1 = (0!(0+1))/(0!)#,

and that

#0! = (0!(0+1))/1 = (1!)/1 = 1/1 = 1#.

Thus, #0! = 1#.

Mar 26, 2017

#0! = prod_(k=1)^0 k = 1#


The factorial of a non-negative integer is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to it.

We can write that as:

#n! = prod_(k=1)^n k#

If we apply this formula to #n=0# then we have:

#0! = prod_(k=1)^0 k = ?#

What we have here is an empty product - no terms multiplied together.

In the same way that an empty sum is #0# (the identity under addition), an empty product is #1# (the identity under multiplication).

So we can write:

#0! = prod_(k=1)^0 k = 1#