Question #5aab4

2 Answers
Apr 25, 2017

See below.


-The concept of Total War(which includes both civilians and soldiers), civilians were for the first time murdered masively in wartimes.

-Europe is a geopolitical pivot, the control of Europe was at stake in both wars. See Mac Kinder's views on geopolitics:

        "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;
        who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;
        who rules the World-Island commands the world."
        (Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality, p. 150)

More details:

-The control of resources(notably oil) is a key concept. The Bagdad Bahn was a construction project that would have enabled Germany to control oil in the Middle East.

-The concept of modern wars in which technologies played a major role in causing massive deaths. The American Civil War had been a transition to that new type of war which the Industrial Revolution had made possible

-They were not the first wars to be fought worlwide, the Seven Years' war which tore Britain and France saw battles in Europe, India and America between 1756 and 1763.

-Another consequence was the creation of international organization such as the League of Nations for WWI and the United Nations for WWII.

Apr 27, 2017

World War I and World War II show the strength and weakness of international alliances.


One of the reasons for the beginning and the scope of World War I were the alliances that committed nations to help other nations. Once one nation was attacked other nations were drawn into the conflict.

World War II continued the pattern. The real beginning of World War II was the invasion of Poland. Both France and England had an alliance with Poland. When Germany invaded Poland both of these nations declared war on Germany. Japan had become allied with Germany and Italy. When Japan attacked the United States, the United States was then at war with both Germany and Italy.

Strong alliances like the Warsaw Pact and Nato, work to prevent wars. However if a war begins these alliances draw in other nations widening the scope of the war.

One concept or lesson from the World Wars is that alliances can draw nations into an unwanted war.

Today there is a real feat that wars in the Mid East could draw Russia ,Iran and the United States into armed conflict with each other. Also the uneasy truce from 1952 between North and South Korea could erupt into war again involving the United States, China and Russia.

Alliances are a two edged sword that both prevent and cause wars.