Question #86ec7

1 Answer
Apr 26, 2017



I'm assuming you are asking about probability.

A standard number cube includes numbers 1-6. We form our sample space as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6

As can be seen, there are 3 even numbers and one "5."
The total probability could thus be written as #(3(1))/(6(6))# because there are 6 possible outcomes for each roll.

We simplify the fraction to get #3/36#=#1/12#.

A possibly simpler course of action would be to simplify the fractions before calculation.
As there are 3 even numbers over 6 total, the chance of rolling an even number is #1/2#. The roll of 5, similarly, is #1/6#.
Thus, #(1/2)(1/6)=1/12#, which is our answer.