Why does South Sudan want to be independent from the Republic of Sudan?

1 Answer

People from South Sudan are often from various African Racial/Religious groups (christian mostly, using languages from Chad) as opposed to a Arab Racial/Religious group in the Republic of Sudan.


North Sudanese and South Sudanese have been divided by racial/Religious lines for some time. The long conflict induced South Sudan to become independent in 2011, after a referendum. South Sudan descended into Civil War in 2013 between the various ethnic groups in South Sudan.

The dominant religion in South Sudan is various Christian beliefs with Animist and Islamic minorities. The significant Christian group would be uninterested in having Islamic law in force. Under Islamic law the Christians would become second class citizens. Practicing the Christian practice of evangelism would be punished by death under Islamic law. Animists under Islamic Law would have no rights. Animists could be enslaved or killed if they refused to convert to Islam.
