Question #0929b

1 Answer
May 20, 2017

Producers #-># plants
Consumers #->#animals
Decomposers #-># bacteria, fungi and detrivores


Producers are autotrophic organisms that are able to produce their own organic food by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis such as plants.

  • Plants use the sun’s energy to synthesize organic molecules from inorganic molecules by photosynthesis.

  • Bacteria make organic food from inorganic substances by chemosynthesis.

Consumers are heterotrophs that need to obtain ready made organic molecules by feeding on other organisms.
 Heterotrophs can be classified as:

(a) Herbivores - eat plants only, primary consumer.
(b) Carnivores - eat animals only.
(c) Omnivores - eat both plants and animals.

Consumers can be classified according to their trophic level (feeding level):

(a) Primary (First order) consumers - are herbivores and they eat the producers.

(b) Secondary (Second order) consumers - are carnivores and they eat the primary consumers.

(c) Tertiary (Third order) consumers - are organisms that eat secondary consumers.

  • Decomposers feed on dead remains of organisms in the ecosystem. They are an important part of the ecosystem as they break down dead organic matter and recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem.
     Decomposers can be classified as:
  • Detritivores #-># small organisms such as earthworms, insect larvae and snails that eat detritus (dead organic matter e.g. dead plants, dead algae and animals etc)

  • Saprotrophs #-># organisms such as bacteria or fungi, that feed on dead organic matter using extracellular digestion.

I hope this helps