Question #97fb1
1 Answer
We're asked to find the components of a vector, given its magnitude and direction.
Vectors are a fundamental concept in linear algebra and physics, so it would be useful to remember some relatively simple equations to calculate the components of them.
For magnitude
ul(x = ||vecv||costheta -
ul(y = ||vecv||sintheta
(You may recognize these for calculating the corresponding rectangular coordinate of a polar one, where we use the equations
x = rcostheta abdy = rsintheta .)
Thus, we have
x = 50cos(5^"o") = 49.810
y = 50sin(5^"o") = 4.358
Or, in unit vector component notation,
color(red)(ulbar(|stackrel(" ")(" "49.810hati +4.358hatj" ")|)
hati corresponds to thex -component (horizontal), andhatj corresponds to they -component (vertical).