How many ways are there of seating #10# couples around a round table such that each couple is sat together?

1 Answer
May 29, 2017

#2*10!*2^10 = 7431782400#


I will assume that there are #20# fixed seating positions around a table such that the 'last' place is adjacent to the 'first'. Let's label the positions #1,2,...,20#.

The couples are either arranged in positions:

#1&2, 3&4, 5&6,..., 19&20#


#20&1, 2&3, 4&5,..., 18&19#

Each of these possibilities results in #10# "couple positions", resulting in a total of #10!# possible orderings of couples.

So we have a total of #2*10!# possible orders of couples.

Then whichever of these orders is chosen, there are two possible orders within each couple, resulting in #2^10# possibilities.

That gives a total of:

#2*10!*2^10 = 2*3628800*1024 = 7431782400#
