Question #5a9ba

2 Answers
Jun 3, 2017

Because we don't know


Despite the best efforts of physicists, astronomers and cosmologists everywhere, we simply do not know what happened before the creation of the universe. All we know is that it did start, and so we use the start of the universe as the start of time and space. The question of "What was before the universe" is extremely difficult to answer, and so is mainly left to philosophers.

However, there are theories. Some say that the universe was created literally out of nothing in a cosmic accident: some say our universe was born out of the remnants of another universe succumbing to gravity: still others suggest we are inside a black hole, or that the universe has simply existed for all time as one big, massive heat sink until something happened to change that. Until we have further evidence, we simply will not know, and may never know.

As for your question of kinetic energy, most theories suggest that the universe was born from a singularity where physics breaks down, thus removing the need for time, space and any other supposedly fundamental constants to have to do anything with the new universe.

I hope it helps!

Time is relative. There is no time inside of the singularity. The super-dense ball had an infinitesimal amount of space.


Temperature is kinetic energy mass in motion. A piece of Uranium before it undergoes fission has almost no kinetic energy. The Uranium has potential energy that can be turned into kinetic energy.

Before the proposed Big Bang there was no motion or kinetic energy. The matter had an emissive amount of potential energy, which was turned into kinetic energy. The potential energy transformed into kinetic energy sent matter rapidly expanding outward creating space for the first time.

Time does not exist at the speed of light, or in the presence of a large mass such as a singularity. When the singularity broke open time was created. There could be no time in the presence of the singularity.

The theory of relativity predicted that light would be bend (refracted) as it passed near to the sun during a solar eclipse. The prediction was based on the theory that mass would slow down time causing the light to bend. The prediction was proven true. This provides solid evidence to believe that time is affect by mass.

Since all the matter and energy ( potential) were contained in some form of singularity before the Big Bang ( according to the theory) Before the big bang neither space nor time could exist