Question #5e43d

1 Answer
Jun 15, 2017

Macbeth is a Shakespearean play about a corrupt king who eventually gets punished for his unjust deeds.


  • Macbeth and Banquo, two Scottish generals of King Duncan, are given some prophecies by witches.
    Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and later, King of Scotland.
    Banquo's bloodline will be kings, though Banquo will never be king.
  • After Macbeth learns he has been named Thane of Cawdor, King Duncan and Macbeth make plans for the king to eat dinner and sleep at Macbeth's castle that night.
  • Macbeth is uncertain whether to kill the king or stay loyal, but the power-hungry Lady Macbeth orders Macbeth to kill King Duncan in his sleep and blame the guards.
  • Macbeth stabs the sleeping king and the king's guards; Duncan's sons flee the country in fear, and Macbeth easily becomes king.
  • Fearing Banquo will take his throne as the prophecy foretold, Macbeth's hired assassins kill Banquo, but they fail to kill Banquo's son.
  • Macbeth is constantly unnerved and frightened of losing his power; the guilt of killing Duncan keeps both Macbeth and his wife from sleeping at night.
  • The witches give Macbeth more prophecies.
    Beware Macduff, a Scottish nobleman who fled Scotland with one of Duncan's sons.
    Macbeth can't be killed by a man born from a woman.
    Macbeth will be defeated when Birnam Wood arrives at Dunsinane Castle.
  • Macbeth kills Macduff's family. Macduff learns of this and invades Scotland with the aid of Duncan's sons and English forces.
  • Lady Macbeth kills herself because of the guilt she feels.
  • Macduff and his allies easily advance towards the castle because the Scottish people, who are afraid of Macbeth's brutality, put up no resistance. The army is using branches cut from Birnam Wood as a shield as they make their way to Dunsinane Castle.
  • Before Macduff slaughters Macbeth, Macduff says he wasn't born from a woman because she had a C-Section.
  • Macduff beheads Macbeth, and Malcolm, King Duncan's oldest son, is crowned King of Scotland.