What are fused together during fertilization?

2 Answers
Jul 13, 2017

Male- sperm.
Female - egg.


During fertilization, the sperm cell (male gamete) joins with the egg call (female gamete). The egg becomes fertilized and a zygote is formed.


These gametes were formed during the meiosis stage.

The zygote then develops into a fetus and then a baby after 9 months (or so).

Hope this helps :)

Jul 13, 2017

The answer is: genetic material of male and female pronucei of male and female cells.


Male cell is male gamete i.e. sperm while female cell is female gamete or egg.

At the time of fertilisation of egg, only haploid nucleus and proximal centriole of sperm enters inside egg cytoplasm.

So immediately after fertilisation, there are two haploid nuclei inside the egg: one the nucleus of egg and other received from one sperm. These are respectively called female pronucleus and male pronucleus.

[ Please note:

  • egg completes second meiotic division only after fertilisation, thus female pronucleus is formed when sperm head has already entered.
  • haploid sperm nucleus becomes rehydrated once it enters egg cytoplasm and male pronucleus is formed.]

The two haploid pronuclei, now inside egg cytoplasm, will come close by. Then nuclear membranes of both male and female pronuclei will dissove leading to fusion of the genetic materials (often termed amphimixis) carried within the two.



As the fusion of genetic materials (due to fusion of haploid male and female pronuclei) take place within egg, the latter now turns into a diploid zygote. The centriole contributed by sperm divides and the two centrioles give rise to spindle apparatus. The zygotic cell immediately enters in a mitotic division: this is beginning of cleavage.

