What's the probability of drawing 7 preselected balls from a bowl of 35?

1 Answer



Let's imagine for a moment that the seven randomly chosen balls are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. That is a unique combination and so there is only one way to achieve it.

The probability therefore will be:

#1/"number of possible combinations"#

So how many combinations are possible choosing 7 balls from a population of 35? The general formula is:

#C_(n,k)=(n!)/((k!)(n-k)!)# with #n="population", k="picks"#


#=> (35xx34xx33xx32xx31xx30xx29xx28!)/(7xx6xx5xx4xx3xx2xx28!)=>#

#=> 6,724,520#

And so the probability is:
