Question #24f89

1 Answer
Jul 13, 2017

If they are added along the same axis..


I'll assume you mean the maximum magnitude of the sum of two vectors.

We'll call the two vectors #vecA_1# and #vecA_2#, each with the same magnitude #A#.

If we perform the addition

#vecA_1 + (-vecA_2)#

the result is a vector with magnitude #0#, because they effectively canceled out to yield a resultant vector #vec0#.

This represents the lowest possible magnitude of the sum of two vectors (magnitudes cannot be negative quantities). We therefore can expect the maximum magnitude to be if they are added together on the same axis (we'll say is the #x#-axis):

#vecA_(1x) + vecA_(2x)#

If they are added along the same axis, the magnitude of the resultant vector is #2A#, which is intuitively the maximum value of #vecA + vecA#.

Here is a great visual about vector sum magnitudes (the vectors in this case are forces measured in newtons, #"N"#):